Thursday, September 12, 2019

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Carving 122

At my parents house I designed and planted a Hummingbird Garden, which has nectar plants to attract hummingbirds, but also attracts a wide variety of nectar feeding insects and other native wildlife. This garden is planted with different species which I will list below and is very low maintenance except for annual pruning and occasional weeding. It doesn't get any supplemental watering except maybe during the winer dry season.

Hummingbird Garden Plant List for my garden in Manatee County, Florida:
Darlington Oak - Quercus hemisphaerica
Slash Pine - Pinus elliottii
Firebush - Hamelia patens
Walter's Viburnum - Viburnum obovatum
Coral Honeysuckle - Lonicera sempervirens
Rangoon Creeper - Combretum indicum (not native - bought because I saw a hummingbird on it at the nursery. Is beautiful and fragrant)
Corkystem Passion-flower - Passiflora suberosa (supports a colony of Zebra Longwing butterflies)
Firecracker Plant - Russelia equisetiformis
Shrimp Plant - Justicia brandegeena
Scarlet Sage - Salvia coccinea
Sage - Salvia x 'Wendys Wish'
Sage - Salvia x 'Mystic Spires'
Coleus various cultivars
Common Violet - Viola sororia
Wild Boston Fern - Nephrolephis exaltata
Florida Butterfly Orchid - Encyclia tampensis (I've only seen tiny bees on these)
Giant Airplant - Tillandsia utriculata
Northern Needleleaf - Tillandsian balbsiana

So since the winter of 2018 I've been seeing a female Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Archilochus colubris, feeding in a large Laurel Oak, I think picking off insects. It spend a lot of time searching all the branches of the trees and making short quick movements and then hovering throughout the tree. Later I saw her in my Moms vegetable garden feeding on some nice healthy Scarlet Sage. Then this spring and summer I saw her in my hummingbird garden and also feeding on the other fire bush I've planted around the yard, and defending the bushes from a juvenile male hummingbird (which Im wondering if its her son).  Here is her carving. I made her with a slightly turned head, and siting on a wood finial.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Archilochus colubris
Finished carving made of basswood, acrylic paint, and glass eyes,
sitting on a wood finial base. 
David K. Kramer 2019

Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Archilochus colubris
Here is carving in my hummingbird garden where I saw her, feeding on
Coral Honeysuckle, a beautiful native vine. 
David K. Kramer 2019

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