Saturday, November 9, 2019

Blue Jay Carving 124

In South Florida, we have a subspecies of Blue Jay, that is smaller and has a slightly different coloration. These birds are common all around South Florida, even in busier parts of the city. They feed on insects, at bird seeds, and fruit like mangos! They usually travel in small groups making a lot of noise and imitating Red-shouldered Hawks.

This summer during mango season by friend in the Miami Lakes area sent me a video of a Blue Jay eating a mango from his tree. The mango had a large hole from the Blue Jay pecking out chunks of the fruit and swallowing it. The mango looks about the same size of the Blue Jay and I'm sure weighs more!

Here's the original video, sent to me from my
 friend Alfredo Hernandez in Miami Lakes, FL.
The video was taken July 6, 2019. 

Blue Jay, South Florida subspecies - Cyanocitta cristata semplei.
I made a stand to resemble and older dead mango branch 
with a few cracks and drops of sap leaking out. 
David Kramer - Pond Cypress Studio 2019

Blue Jay, South Florida subspecies - Cyanocitta cristata semplei.
A closer look, in a habitat which I usually see these Blue Jays.
 Lots of live oaks and other fruiting trees with a canal in the background, in Hollywood, FL.
David Kramer - Pond Cypress Studio 2019

Heres a video of my Blue Jay taken next to my townhouse bird feeder. 
You can see the Blue Jay come down to get some black sunflower seeds and when it goes to the feeder it takes a few glances at my carving. It doesn't seem to mind it. 
Blue Jay, South Florida subspecies - Cyanocitta cristata semplei.
David Kramer - Pond Cypress Studio 2019

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