Thursday, November 21, 2019

Bird Carving Checklist

I wanted to share a list I’ve been keeping of my carvings, for collectors or reference. I do have a book with more details on each species like: date it was completed, materials made out of, where I saw the bird, and any other important notes. 

I would like to post photos of all the ones I still have too, but I think I’d have to change to a different website format to do so effectively. Here’s the list in chronological order starting with the birds I made in Texas. I (almost) always make birds I’ve seen, usually where I am living, and put where the bird was seen next to the species name. 

Bird Carvings:
1- Ruby-throated Hummingbird
2- Prothonotary Warbler 
3- Ruby-crowned Kinglet
4- Carolina Chickadee
5- Mourning Dove
6- Ruby-throated Hummingbird
6- Indigo Bunting (VA)
8- Carolina Wren
9- Tufted Titmouse
10- Common Ground-Dove (FL)
11- Ruby-crowned Kinglet
12-16 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
17-19 Carolina Chickadee
20-21 Tufted Titmouse
22- Palm Warbler (FL)
23- Eastern Bluebird (FL)
24- American Coot
25-Ruby-throated Hummingbird
26-Piping Plover chick
27-Piping Plover sleeping
28-Piping Plover 
29-Orange-crowned Warbler
30- Carolina Wren
31-Black-chinned Hummingbird
32- American Goldfinch
33- Sanderling
34-Least Sandpiper
35-Black-bellied Plover
36-Northern Shoveler
37-Razorbill (FL)
38-Rufous Hummingbird (f) 
39-40 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
41-46 Least Sandpiper
47-Ring-necked Duck
48-50 Yellow-rumped Warbler
51-Orange-crowned Warbler
---move to FL, started FL species
52-54 Northern Cardinal 
55-58 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
59-60 Cuban Emerald 🇨🇺
61-Yellow-throated Warbler
62-Bee Hummingbird 🇨🇺
63-65 Common Ground Dove
66-67 Northern Parula
*2015 (22)
68-Least Sandpiper
69-American Redstart
70-Black-and-white Warbler
71-Pine Warbler
72-74 Painted Bunting
76-Western Sandpiper
77-White-eyed Vireo
78-Wood Duck duckling 
79-Mottled Duck duckling
80-Black-bellied Whistling duckling
81-Wood Duck duckling 
82-Yellow Warbler - Golden 
83-Ruby-throated Hummingbird
84-Anna's Hummingbird🇨🇦
85-Pectoral Sandpiper (AK)
86-Yellow-throated Warbler
87-Prairie Warbler
88-90 Least Sandpiper (3)
*2016 (10)
91-Buff-bellied Hummingbird
92-93 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
94-Black-throated Blue Warbler
95-Semipalmated Sandpiper
96-Common Yellowthroat FL
97-Pine Warbler
98-Northern Parula
99-Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
100-Eastern Screech Owl (Brown form)
*2017 (8)
101-Black-throated Green Warbler
102-Black Skimmer (chick)
103-Ruby-throated Hummingbird (chick)
104-Pine Warbler (fledgling)
105-Red-keeled Flowerpecker 🇵🇭
106-Olive-backed Sunbird 🇵🇭
107-Copper-rumped Hummingbird 🇻🇪
108-Pygmy Swiftlet 🇵🇭
*2018 (6)
109-Western Sandpiper
110-Bachman’s Warbler (Extinct)
111-Blue-winged Teal
112-Bachman’s Sparrow
113-Least Tern
114-Bahama Woodstar 🇧🇸
115-Merlin (Prairie ssp.)
116--Least Grebe 🇧🇸
117-Red-bellied Woodpecker (S. FL ssp)
118-Snowy Plover (Cuban ssp.)
119-Cape May Warbler 
120-Roseate Spoonbill hatchling
121-Brown-headed Nuthatch (FL ssp)
122-Ruby-throated Hummingbird (f)
123-Seaside Sparrow (juv.) 
124-Blue Jay (S. FL ssp.)
125-Red-necked Stint 🇹🇭
126-Warbling White-eye (JP ssp.) 🇯🇵

Thanks for reading. I hope it was helpful or interesting!

Sincerely, David Kramer
Pond Cypress Studio 

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